@extends('layouts.contentLayoutMaster') {{-- page title --}} @section('title','Account Settings') {{-- vendor styles --}} @section('vendor-styles') @endsection {{-- page styles --}} @section('page-styles') @endsection @section('content') General Change Password Info Social links Connections Notifications Upload new photo Reset Allowed JPG, GIF or PNG. Max size of 800kB Username Name E-mail × Your email is not confirmed. Please check your inbox. Resend confirmation Company Save changes Cancel Old Password New Password Retype new Password Save changes Cancel Bio Birth date Country USA India Canada Languages English Spanish French Russian German Arabic Sanskrit Phone Website Favorite Music Rock Jazz Disco Pop Techno Folk Hip hop Favorite movies The Dark Knight Harry Potter Airplane! Perl Harbour Spider Man Iron Man Avatar Save changes Cancel Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn Instagram Quora Save changes Cancel Connect to Twitter edit You are connected to facebook. Johndoe@gmail.com Connect to Google edit You are connected to Instagram. Johndoe@gmail.com Save changes Cancel Activity Email me when someone comments onmy article Email me when someone answers on my form Email me hen someone follows me Application News and announcements Weekly product updates Weekly blog digest Save changes Cancel @endsection {{-- vendor scripts --}} @section('vendor-scripts') @endsection @section('page-scripts') @endsection
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